

Custom Macros Calculator




This body type is typically characterized by a lean and slender build with narrow shoulders and hips. Ectomorphs tend to have a fast metabolism, making it challenging for them to gain weight or muscle mass. They usually have a lean build with long limbs and small muscles. To gain weight naturally, they must load up on carbs and foods full of calories.


Mesomorphs have a more muscular and athletic physique, with a naturally higher percentage of muscle mass. They often have a broader shoulder-to-hip ratio, making it relatively easier for them to gain and maintain muscle. A mesomorph has a natural tendency to stay fit and achieve muscle mass very easily. They have more muscle than fat on their bodies and are not overweight or underweight.



Endomorphs generally have a softer and rounder body, with a higher tendency to store body fat. They may find it easier to gain weight, both in terms of muscle and fat, and may need to be mindful of their diet and exercise to manage body composition. Endomorphs usually look broader and have a triangular bone structure, narrower hips, and broader shoulders. They usually have broad shoulders, narrow hips and shorter limbs. While they have larger muscle mass, they also have a higher fat percentage because they are predisposed to storing fat rather than building muscles.

It’s important to note that these categories are broad, and most people exhibit a combination of these body types rather than fitting strictly into one category. Also, lifestyle factors, like nutrition and exercise, play a significant role in determining where we fall on that spectrum at any given time.

Here's to a great start!

This guide will help you determine your macro percentages, which can be a great starting point. Remember, these percentages are flexible and can be adjusted as needed to achieve your desired results.

While it’s important to aim for your target macros each day, it’s normal not to hit them exactly. For example, you might exceed your protein goal by 11 grams and fall short on carbs by 14 grams. The beauty of tracking macros is that as long as you’re within 5-10% of your targets, you’re doing great.

And if you prefer not to calculate these numbers yourself, you can always choose the “Meal Plan” option, and we’ll handle everything for you!
